Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Week 4 Independent Study

Observation (äb zər vā’shən)
n. the act or power of seeing or noticing.

Documentary (däk’yōō ment’ə rē)
adj. describing a film, TV program, etc. that shows news events, social conditions, etc. in a dramatic story based mainly on facts.

Observational Documentary is a way to depict of everyday life. It first came into use due to the availability of lightweight and portable recording equipment. This type of documentary mode often come with a local point of view or message. They do not usually have predictable outcomes.

They are called observational because they watch or follow events rather than construct narratives for events to follow. This style of documentary allowed the filmmaker to record unobtrusively in the environment they were in and has no control of events.

For my Custom Machinima I will be taking the Observational Documentary style. My Machinima will explore the idea of how each entities in Crysis explode and to see what happens to the entity if a different type of explosive was used to detonate it in the same environment or to see if the same results occur if i throw the same explosive at a different angle.

Since an Observational Documentary is is about recording what the cameraman sees and the end product is edited as little as possible, I have decided to retain the HUD in the videos as this shows my viewers that what I have tried to achieve is to test the physical effects of explosions on porosity in the game Crysis. If was was testing these factors in the real world and wanted to use items and entities in Crysis as an example of the real world then I would remove the HUD as it is not the game that I want my viewers to focus on.

This mode of documentary will enable me to experiment with the different explosions and experience them from different views and angles. This mode will ensure that I (the cameraman) does not get involved with what is happening in the scene and will only "observe" what is happening.

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