Thursday, November 5, 2009


Question: Which workflow (SketchUp to Crysis or Solidworks to Crysis) involves the least amount of steps and procedures to get a textured model into Crysis?

Research Video available from:


Final Submission

My aim for this experiment was to create elements of Town Hall Station which has more than one function. I decided to do this with the use of the columns. I wanted the columns to not only function as holding the entire structure up but also wanted to carve a space out of them to allow a human being to physically be able to walk into them. After coming up with this initial idea I then wanted to make it so that the columns would be used as some sort of transportation. The columns which I have made function as travelators as well as supporting beams.

For the efficiency of Town Hall Station, the column travelators will be reserved for the elderly, disable, mothers with children or people who have heavy luggage. This is to avoid massive queues which will clog up the station even more. The columns will take the person to the closest set of stairs from the train or vice versa.

To test out the efficiency and general use of these travelators I decided to ask other people to navigate their way through my model. The three subjects who participated in my experiment where given one task, to walk through my Town Hall Station model in Crysis and make their way to the ticket boxes which were black. I was very vague on what I wanted and they were not given any directions nor were they how they would get there. It was up to them to navigate their own way through the model. I wanted to see how they interacted with my environment. They were timed on how long it took them to complete the task and they were noted down.

Subject number one did not interact with any of my sketch installations as they did not know what they were when they first saw it. They were just black objects moving around to them. I can conclude that these columns/travelators are not the most obvious objects to identify immediately. It took 27 seconds for them to make it all the way up. Subject number two used the columns/travelators the entire way. This method of travel took 39 seconds to make all the way up to the concourse level. Subject number three used a combination of both which ended up taking 45 seconds.

Through the results collected, I can conclude that walking around Town Hall Station will be the most efficient mode of transport. If your mode of transportation through Town Hall Station is through the use of columns/travelators, it may take you a bit longer to get to your destination than if you were to walk but the extra time which it takes is not so bad in some circumstance. The elderly and disabled would not be able to walk as fast on their own and if you were carrying heavy things, you’ll be able to take more things with you as opposed to carrying an item one-by-one to your destination.

Week 6 Independent Study

Week 6 In-Class Task

Wednesday, November 4, 2009